Annual Open Access Symposium at University of North Texas

What is this project?

The University of North Texas’ (UNT) annual Open Access Symposium features speakers and panels of experts on Open Access policy, practice, resources, and services sharing their knowledge with all sectors of the UNT community.

This year's Symposium focused on recent federal initiatives supporting Open Science and public access to federally-funded research, including those outlined in the 2022 Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) memo, Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research. UNT also discussed recent legislation in the state of Texas promoting Open Educational Resources (OER) and course markings for public universities. The afternoon session included a panel of faculty who have created or used OER or open textbooks in their courses and an open pedagogy workshop organized by the collaborating partners at the Texas State University Libraries.

Where can I learn more?

Read about the event here.

In what ways does this initiative elevate or highlight NASA's Year of Open Science goals?

The project shares Open Access information, resources, and practices with the UNT community, and:

  • Establishes strategic approaches for advancing open science