About HELIOS Open Membership
What it means to join HELIOS Open. Institutions participate in HELIOS Open with the explicit buy-in of their senior leadership, who name a designate (or designates) to represent them. Designates meet regularly with other HELIOS Open members in community calls, participate in working and affinity groups, and confer with relevant parties on their campus to align activities.
Joining HELIOS Open is free. HELIOS Open is generously supported by grants from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the John Templeton Foundation, Schmidt Futures, and Templeton World Charity Foundation.
HELIOS Open is a coalition of the engaged. Scores of American colleges and universities are participating in HELIOS to address open scholarship policies and practices as a collective action opportunity. See the current roster of HELIOS Open institutions.
HELIOS Open connects higher education to other critical sectors. In connection with the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s Roundtable on Aligning Incentives for Open Scholarship, HELIOS Open engages with funders, government agencies, professional societies, and other key actors to ensure that our work aligns with parallel efforts to make open scholarship easier and more rewarding.
We want to hear from you. Click the button below or use the intake form below to begin the process of joining HELIOS Open.
Join HELIOS Open
If you’re ready to join HELIOS Open, we simply need the name of your president’s or provost’s designated representative and we will be in touch with information about joining the community of practice.