Senate Open Access Resolution at University of Oregon

What is this project?

In 2021, the University of Oregon University Senate endorsed the development of an Open Access Scholarship Policy in Resolution US19/20-16 by the Senate Subcommittee on Open Access following its report on the role of open access in scholarly work at the University. As a public university dedicated to excellence in research and scholarship, a stated purpose of the University of Oregon is to generate, disseminate, preserve, and apply knowledge. Therefore, it is a priority to make research products widely available fro the public benefit. The University Senate, in passing this resolution, considered that some commercial and society publishers employ restrictions that can limit distribution and access to scholarly works, so the University of Oregon is an advocate in the global movement for open scholarly communication through its many manifestations, including publications, data, educational resources, cultural heritage materials, and other content.

Where can I learn more?

You can read the full Senate Resolution here.

In what ways does this initiative elevate or highlight NASA's Year of Open Science goals?

The project:

  • Establishes strategic approaches for advancing open science.